
Fallout new vegas tommy gun
Fallout new vegas tommy gun

fallout new vegas tommy gun fallout new vegas tommy gun

Tmm 1-This command shows all map markers, so you can fast travel wherever you want to go. Player.addperk (Perk ID Code) - Grants the player the given perk. tlevel # - Sets the player to the given level. Player.advlevel- Advanced the Player by 1 level. Player.advlevel - Garbage version of rewardxp, will give you the level up but you wont physically gain any of the XP needed so any XP you earned will go toward what XP you didnt have to get the level up. Player.rewardxp # - Gives the player the given ammount of XP Player.modav carryweight #-This command increases your max amount of weight held before becoming encumbered based on the # given. Player.additem (Item Code) (Ammount) - Grant yourself an item and how much of it. Shownamemenu - Allows you to change your name. Showracemenu - Allows you to edit your race, YAY you can finally be transracial in fallout. Sexchange - Changes your Characters gender, If thats your thing.

fallout new vegas tommy gun

Tgm- Toggles God Mode (Unkillable, Infinite Ammo & Shots without the need to reload. Tcl- Toggles collision so you can walk through things or go flying. Tfc - Toggles the free camera movement so you can look around at your own character

Fallout new vegas tommy gun