
Star trek ranger class scout
Star trek ranger class scout

star trek ranger class scout

The Venture-class was a type of scout ship in service to Starfleet in the late 24th century. Ranger-class In the original TV series the vessel was depicted as a mysterious collection of spinning lights. In the mid-2270s, the scout ship was ordered by Commodore Probert to rendezvous with the USS Columbia on stardate 7411.4.Operations division personnel also filled administrative posts as yeomen, personnel officers, and portmasters.STARSHIP CLASS This is the official subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, PS4, … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Operations officers included engineers, security and tactical, and some service specializations such as communications. Members of the operations division specialized in a ship or base service, administration, or military operations, or served as staff officers. The Operations division, uniform color red, specialized in services and military functions. Members of the sciences division specialized in sensors, research, theoretical and physical laboratory work, biological studies, as well as technicians, medics, and surgeons. The Sciences division, uniform color blue, specialized in medical and science operations on starships, starbases and at Starfleet Command. Members of the command division were trained in leadership and tactics.

star trek ranger class scout

The Command division, uniform color gold, specialized in command and control functions on starships, starbases and at Starfleet Command. Starfleet command structure is divided into three core divisions: Upon assignment, they would recieve basic training and position specific training. Lower ranking officers were generally cross trained across a number of departments beyond their course of study, and frequently changed departments or served in different departments during their career.Įnlistedmen, or crewmen, did not attend Starfleet Academy and instead signed up directly to a posting. Upon graduation, new Starfleet officers would be assigned to a ship. A cadet cruise was generally taken by cadets in their fourth year, shortly before graduation. Command cadets were required to take the Kobayashi Maru scenario test during their tenure, in order to assess their discipline, character and command capabilities. Training to become an officer began at Starfleet Academy with a normal four year course. Starfleet consisted of both officers and enlistedmen.

Star trek ranger class scout